Our dog used to always lick the dirty dishes as you loaded the dishwasher. We tried everything. We yelled at him, we sprayed him with water, we sprayed him with vinegar water, we tapped his nose, we pulled him back…
Our dog used to always lick the dirty dishes as you loaded the dishwasher. We tried everything. We yelled at him, we sprayed him with water, we sprayed him with vinegar water, we tapped his nose, we pulled him back…
Greyhounds have been clocked at 35 mph! Our chocolate lab loves to get out of the truck at the beginning of the dirt road that leads to the lake. He then runs to the lake. He is so excited that…
Chase making himself comfortable Originally uploaded by Storming. Chase didn’t like lying on the floor so he found a good spot with a view. Related posts: Chase after surgery Staples after surgery Why do dogs chase their tails?
IMG_0443 Originally uploaded by Storming. Here are the 30+ staples Chase had after his diaphragmatic hernia surgery. He also had many stiches inside. He pulled several of the staples out so we had to put one of those…
A great dog story about finding the right home for your dog. Goodbye, Homer – Can you ever give away a dog you love? By Jon Katz Related posts: Give your dog a window! Is it safe to give your…
When Koko the gorilla had a toothache, she signed that she had pain in her mouth. We know that dogs can learn hundreds of words, and we know that they can express excitement, anxiety, and disappointment. Does anybody know how…
Here are some ideas of new products for pets. I liked the Soft-E-Collar. Pet Entreprenuers Related posts: Clone Your Pet Best collar for dogs after surgery: not plastic cones! What would you pay to find out how much pain your…
Clone your pet now or just save the tissue for later. Company Said to Be Ready to Clone Pets Related posts: Pet Business What would you pay to find out how much pain your pet was in? Why do homeless…