
Don’t let your dog down!

Dogs pay a lot of attention to routine.  My dad came to visit once and I let him sleep in my bed and I slept in the living room.  Every morning he took Teddy for a walk while he was…

Keeping Warm by Sitting on Your Shoes

This kitten is sitting on the slipper to stay warm – the floor is cold.  The picture reminded me of snowshoeing with my dog Teddy.  Whenever we stop for a break she sits on the back of my snowshoes to…

Prozac for Dogs

Eli Lilly & Co. will be shipping Prozac for dogs under the brand name Reconcile.  According to the press release, it should be used to help dogs who suffer anxiety attacks when separated from their owners – that it will…

Why is my dog aggressive on leash?

One of my friend's dogs is the nicest dog ever … off leash.  On leash he takes exception to just about every male dog out there.  If your dog is more aggressive on leash, it's possible that he feels trapped. …

Lifting a leg to urinate

This writer wants to know how to teach their male dog how to lift their leg to pee. I do think it’s possible to teach a male dog to lift their leg or to not lift their leg.  It is…

Dogs and Babies

A friend of mine’s granddaughter was just bitten by the family’s chocolate lab.  The baby was trying to grab her toy back from the dog. While I think this picture is adorable, I don’t think Chase is sharing a pillow…

Why do dogs eat grass?

Why do dogs eat grass?  While there’s a lot of theories, I think the basic answer is "because they like it."  Our dogs will eat not only grass but also wood and rawhide and anything else edible that happens to…

Dog aggressive dogs: breed specific?

Our chocolate lab Chase does not like boxers.  He’s very sweet with all people and as far as I know he likes all other breeds, just not boxers.  About five years ago he met a boxer he didn’t like and…