Be careful not to give your dog artificial sweetners. One of them, Xylitol, is toxic to them. It’s used in sugar free gum and some baked goods. Xylitol enters the cells without insulin which can cause your dog to become…
Monthly Archives: January 2007
How do you get your dog to swallow a pill?
Dogs don’t like pills. My dog Teddy will sit in front of you and beg for for a pill. When you give her the pill, she’ll hold it for a second on her tongue and then gently spit it up…
Beer for dogs
Many of you have probably already read my post No Drinks for Dogs! Quite a few posted that they like to give their dog beer. Well, now there’s a safe option. A pet store owner in the Netherlands commissioned a…
Dogs know what is good for you: exercise with your dog, it’s the best way!
Exercise with your dog – take him or her for lots of walks! It’s good for you and good for them. Researchers have determined that people that walk their dogs regularly are happier and healthier than those that go to…
Is he a dog or a horse?
This little pony grew up with dogs and he fetches sticks and frisbees! The horse who thinks he’s a dog | No related posts.
Would you pay $130 for a massage for your dog?
The Ritz in Florida is now offering a massage for your dog for $130. While there are a lot of benefits to massage for both dogs and humans, $130/hour is pretty steep. Also, an hour massage is a long massage…
Dog Beds: what kind of bed to buy?
Before going out and spending a lot of money on a bed (see the article about the human who bought her dog a gel bed, Old dog, new bed just aren’t gelling) think a bit on what your dog might…
Keeping your dog warm … or cool
Ever wondered how your dog can hang out with you in your 70 degree house and then run out into the snow and not seem to be bothered at all? To understand this, we need to look at how dogs…