Our chocolate lab can not hold still at the vet. He doesn’t mind the shots but he really wants to explore the smells and play with everyone that comes in the room. During our most recent visit, they showed us…
How do I stop by dog from barking when people leave?
It would help to know what kind of barking your dog is doing. In that moment, is he excited? Is he aggressive? Is he worried? I’m going to assume he doesn’t want them to leave or, more likely, he wants…
service dogs
What happens to guide dogs when they retire?

There’s a waiting list to adopt retired guide dogs! Most organizations give first priority to the person who has had the dog. However, that person is often looking for a new guide dog and can’t keep a pet in addition…
Is my dog sorry he chewed up my furniture?
My dog chewed up the furniture or peed on the carpet or ate my shoes while I was gone. When I got home, he looked sorry. Is he sorry? No, your dog is not sorry he was bad while you were…
Behavior, Games, training
My dog just wants to play keep away, what should I do?
Every time I throw the ball for my dog, she runs away with it. What should I do? Your dog wants to play keep away. Dogs love playing keep away. Your dog wants you to chase her, try to grab…
service dogs
Don’t stress out your support dog!
A well trained service dog would not be shaking with its tail between its legs. A well trained handler would realize her dog was in distress and help out. In addition, this support dog was wearing a pinch collar. A…